Q&A with Alicia Jimenez, SVP, Global Head, Business Technology Platform @ SAP

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Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Alicia! Firstly, please introduce yourself!

My name is Alicia Jimenez and I’m the Senior Vice President and Global Head of our Business Technology Platform team at SAP.

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas?

I’m looking forward to seeing so many incredible women that I know who work in technology, from across so many organizations and industries. The opportunity to meet and network with so many is great. I am also looking forward to the sessions from all of my fellow speakers, and learning more about some of the technology areas that I haven’t had the chance to touch or some that I am curious about.

What can attendees expect from your session?

I am going to be talking about automation and how you can incorporate that in helping both the engineers in your company and your customers. There is a lot out there related to automation today, but it can be really confusing, so how do you bring that in to make use of it and take your business to the next level and make a difference for your company.

When you think about our theme for 2023, The New Frontier, what excites you about the future in tech, business and/or leadership?

When we look at all of the technology that is out there, for a long time we have talked about the future of things, and what is so exciting right now is that this technology is there. It is now a matter of how we harness that, leverage it and take all that is available to us and channel it into better things for customers, the environment and the world. That New Frontier with technology, leveraging things such as AI, and taking technologies and using them to make the world a better place is super exciting.

What would you say to your younger self about pursuing a career in tech and the future of women in tech?

To my younger self I would say be bold and bolder. Curiosity is super important and don’t be afraid to try new things and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. I always tried to push myself a little more than I thought was capable, and I was always surprised when I was able to move forward quickly and learn new things. I would also say it is not just you that has that curiosity, there are a lot of unknowns out there that are also not known to those around you either, so be bold and continue in that pursuit.

What would be your one piece of advice to our attendees who might be feeling anxious about the insecurities of today?

There is a lot of information out there, don’t be afraid to explore. To be able to overcome those insecurities you might have, it is around educating yourself no matter the access to information around you. Leverage and tap into that, because the more you know, the more you can overcome those insecurities.

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence?

Definitely talk to people, strike up a conversation with the person next to you. We are all women in tech and we will all be there in this new environment. We are all out of our comfort zone, but sit down and ask someone why they came to a specific session. Take advantage of that opportunity to network. We are going to have some amazing women that will be there, not just from the speakers but everyone there across different industries. It is a huge opportunity to network and get to know someone and pick their brain. We are all going to be there, because we are all women in tech and interested in technology, so there are a lot of questions that can strike up conversations, so take advantage of this.

Register for your place at Women in Tech Texas and join Alicia for her session “Using Automation To Relieve Your Engineers” on May 31!

About Hanna Purdy
Hanna is a Senior Sales Executive at Ascend Global Media and looks after the day to day running of the Delegate team. She is passionate about the success and growth of the Women in Tech events so that women can continue to make a positive impact in the technology industry.

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