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"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Helen Keller

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How WiTT24 supports DE&I and L&D


Upskill your Workforce

Accelerate your team's development by attending different sessions and reuniting to share the takeaways. What is gained at the event will have a halo effect on the entire company, whether it’s technical hacks, innovations in AI or leadership skills.

Build Strong, Connected Teams

There’s nothing like an out-of-office group experience to boost the togetherness of your staff. It’s a fantastic learning opportunity, great for bonding, networking, and celebrating breaking boundaries in tech.

Improve Retention

People are more likely to stay in an organization that makes them feel valued. Sending your people to #WiTT24 shows that you understand their challenges and are investing in their skills.

Champion DE&I

Don’t just pay lip service; take action! Employees in your organization will see a real shift in motivation, energy, and morale after attending the event.



Did I hear 'savings'?

The bigger the group, the greater the discount! Have a look at how much you can save. Have a look below or simply contact our team to discuss.


What your peers say about Women in Tech Texas

  • Excellent opportunity to meet relatable peers, and it reminded me that there are many reasons to be inspired and proud to be a woman in tech.
    Resource Manager
    TechShare LGC
  • My experience was enlightening due to being able to hear from so many different women in different job positions of different tech sectors.
    Delivery Manager
    Prudent Technologies & Consulting
  • It was very motivating to hear from so many career driven and successful women.
  • An experience that gonna change my life and ameliorate my career.
    Marketing Director
    Enpak Social
  • Amazing excited to attend next year.
    PMO Analyst
  • Inspiring and connecting!
    Senior Learning Solutions Architect