Q&A with Raneem Shahin, Senior Technology Integration Specialist, EVA @ Axiom Space

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Hi Raneem, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us! Firstly, please introduce yourself!

My name is Raneem Shahin, I am Senior Technology Integration Specialist/ design engineer here at Axiom Space supporting the xEVAS program for the design, development, and integration for the next generation space suit for Artemis III.

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas?

To network, but also to inspire and empower women through my story that the sky is not the limit, its beyond that. Anything is possible.

What can attendees expect from your session?

Attendees can expect to learn and understand hardware-in-the-loop testing to boost the safety and reliability of their software. They can also expect tips from experienced women in the industry and how to embrace change and say yes to challenges. They can expect to learn how to be their own role model, how to connect, collaborate and to be confident.

When you think about our theme for 2023, The New Frontier, what excites you about the future in tech, business and/or leadership?
Leaders preparing for work of the future often focus on data and technology, which are already fueling artificial intelligence and algorithms that are transforming the workplace. Now is an exciting time to be working in tech, and particularly in leadership positions as we work together to shape the future of tech and how it’s integrated into companies. I am excited to see the future of tech professional’s careers in the tech industry!

What would you say to your younger self about pursuing a career in tech and the future of women in tech?

If I could go back in time and give my younger self some advice, I would just say not to worry so much. Don’t be discouraged to openly support other women in tech, and to always know if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. Keep improving myself. Dare to dream and go get it, and mainly leave no room for self doubt. Working in the tech industry has been awesome, you get to go out and build the future every day. It has been the best adventure yet. Taking it as a career has been the best decision I have ever made.

What would be your one piece of advice to our attendees who might be feeling anxious about the insecurities of today?

I read a quote a while back by Katie Ledecky, which said “I would encourage you to set really high goals. Set goals that, when you set them, you think they’re impossible. But then every day you can work towards them, and anything is possible, so keep working hard and follow your dreams”. That stuck to me. Determination over negativity is a principle that anything is possible no matter who you are or where you come from. If you are excited about the role, and will play in building the future, tech is for you.

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence?

It is very important to facilitate networking between attendees for them to get the most value. It is an opportunity for people to engage with each other in a way that is approachable and lasting. My advice would be to build a professional network, start by setting networking goals. Then start putting yourself out there. Reach out to current connections, join local and national networking or industry-related organizations, attend events, and connect with others on social media, especially LinkedIn.

Register for your place to join Raneem Shahin and her co-host Nanette Beery, Group Lead, Avionics Software Engineering @ Axiom Space for their workshop ‘Software Testing in Hardware-in-the-Loop Environments’ at Women in Tech Texas on May 30-31!

About Hanna Purdy
Hanna is a Senior Sales Executive at Ascend Global Media and looks after the day to day running of the Delegate team. She is passionate about the success and growth of the Women in Tech events so that women can continue to make a positive impact in the technology industry.

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