Wendy Irwin
Career Coach,
People at the Center
Wendy Irwin, PCC is a Coach Trainer focused on creating full-tilt unapologetic leadership with people who are ready to change the world with their talents, wisdom and genius. She believes it is never about the “how or why”, but the “WHO”. For the past 9 years, she’s made it her mission to support those who are ready to take big bold steps in redefining their life, business, relationships and financial success…all while having a good time.
17-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub
17-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub
17-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub
18-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub
18-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub
18-Sep-2024Networking AreaCareer Advice Hub