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30 Jul 2024

Q&A w/ Fatma Tarlaci, Chief Technology Officer @ Rastegar Capital

Q&A w/ Fatma Tarlaci, Chief Technology Officer @ Rastegar Capital

Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Fatma! First, please introduce yourself! 

I am the Chief Technology Officer at Rastegar Capital based in Austin, TX. I specialize in artificial intelligence, particularly in natural language processing. My professional background includes conducting research at OpenAI and teaching as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UT Austin.  

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas? 

Learning from and networking with brilliant women in tech. 

What would be your advice to other women in tech who are coming up in the industry? 

I think advancing in the industry involves several key strategies; actively seeking mentorship and expanding your network for guidance and opportunities, continuously updating your technical skills to keep pace with evolving technologies, establishing a strong personal brand through public engagements and community participation, advocating for diversity and inclusion within the tech space, cultivating resilience to navigate industry challenges effectively, and particularly for leadership roles, balancing assertiveness with empathy to create supportive team environments. 

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence? 

To effectively build my network and presence, I actively engage in conferences and local community events, utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to share insights and expertise, join professional tech groups for broader connections, and volunteer in tech community initiatives. I also embrace both mentoring and being mentored to deepen connections and learn from others. I also believe that consistency and authenticity in your interactions are key to forming lasting, beneficial relationships that can significantly enhance your career development in the tech industry. 

Register for your place to join Fatma Tarlaci at Women in Tech Texas on September 17 – 18 now! 

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