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30 Jul 2024

Q&A w/ Divya Nair, Senior Director of Engineering and Operations @ Unisys

Q&A w/ Divya Nair, Senior Director of Engineering and Operations @ Unisys

Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Divya! First, please introduce yourself! 

I am currently the Senior Director of the Engineering and Operations team at Unisys, with over 150 people across 5 countries and I am a distinguished professional with a wealth of experience in People Leadership, particularly within the tech industry. 

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas? 

I am excited to be part of an event that celebrates empowerment, diversity and excellence. Such a powerful platforms offers opportunities to me to contribute to the community and at the same time enhance my leadership skills.  

There is nothing more empowering than witnessing a group of like-minded women uplifting and supporting one another. Women in Tech Texas is a great place to meet fellow women and allies in tech to brainstorm ideas, discover role models, find mentorship opportunities, and engage in discussions focused on current challenges.  

Building a strong network is crucial for leadership development, and this event provides the perfect platform for that. Hearing real stories by truly incredible people will motivate me to show up authentically and inspire the next generation. 

What would be your advice to other women in tech who are coming up in the industry? 

My advice to other women in tech who are traversing the tech industry is to embrace what I call my AHA mantra: Appreciation, Handling with humor, and Authenticity. These principles are the cornerstones of my leadership style and have guided me throughout my career. 

  • Appreciate: Always take the time to recognize and value the contributions of those around you. Whether it’s a small achievement or a significant milestone, showing appreciation fosters a positive and collaborative work environment. 

  • Handle with humor: The tech industry can be challenging and stressful at times. Maintaining a sense of humor helps to lighten the mood and keep things in perspective. It also makes you more approachable and can defuse tense situations. 

  • Be Authentic: Stay true to yourself and your values. Authenticity builds trust and respect among your peers and team members. It also allows you to lead with integrity and confidence. 

By following these principles, you can navigate our industry with resilience and grace, and inspire others to do the same. Remember, one’s own unique perspective and leadership style are valuable assets to the industry. 

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence? 

This is one that I personally struggle with, since the day-to-day corporate firefighting tends to take over one’s priorities. Only recently did I come to realize that we need to be intentional about networking and force it to be a priority for career growth. We need to set clear goals for what one wants to achieve through networking, whether it’s finding mentors, seeking career advice, or exploring new opportunities. 

It definitely helps to attend industry events, conferences, and meetups like Women in Tech Texas. My biggest advice for all attendees is to not be afraid to start conversations and ask questions. Active engagement helps build lasting relationships. Such conversations also help expand our perspective, which can then be directly applied to our work and leadership. 

Networking is a two-way street. Be willing to offer your assistance and support to others. This creates a reciprocal relationship and strengthens your network. Networking is not just about what you can gain, but also about what you can contribute 

Embrace the unique challenges, priorities, and achievements that women in tech face. Our experiences may differ from those of men, but they are equally valuable and worth sharing. 

Register for your place to join Divya Nair at Women in Tech Texas on September 17 – 18 now! 

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