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30 Jul 2024

Q&A w/ Arthi Vasudevan, Senior Cybersecurity Product Manager @ GE Vernova

Q&A w/ Arthi Vasudevan, Senior Cybersecurity Product Manager @ GE Vernova

Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Arthi! First, please introduce yourself! 

Hello everyone, I’m Arthi Vasudevan, global product line leader for cybersecurity at GE Vernova, as well as the author of a children’s book on cybersecurity called Cyberama.  

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas? 

I was energized to see hundreds of fellow women in tech like me when I attended my first Women in Tech Texas (WITT) a few years ago. This year, I’m looking forward to learning about latest technology trends, as well as to network with fellow women leaders in tech. 

What can attendees expect from your session? 

My session covers the differences between IT and OT cybersecurity, sample attack scenarios to industrial control systems, factors to consider for prioritizing investment in cybersecurity and risk management strategies. 

What would be your advice to other women in tech who are coming up in the industry? 

You are the driver of your career! Creating a career roadmap, conveying ambition to manager and HR through continuous conversations, asking to be put in stretch roles, taking on leadership role/ cross-functional role outside of normal job duties (Ex. Employee Resource Groups), and continuous learning through certification courses and tech podcasts are some ways to stand among your peers in the tech industry. As you’re developing your technology skills, also try to learn about your business and how revenue is generated. 

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence? 

Prior to attending the WITT conference, try to identify 5-10 individuals in the field you want to grow into and research about them. Make sure you have a well-rehearsed elevator pitch and practice mindful networking during the conference. Share a LinkedIn article on your key takeaways and continue to leverage the WITT community even after the conference. When you can add value to others in your network, people are willing to help you with referrals and recommendations.  



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