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30 Jul 2024

Q&A w/ Stephanie Ormston, Assistant Vice President-Digital Services Integration @ AT&T

Q&A w/ Stephanie Ormston, Assistant Vice President-Digital Services Integration @ AT&T

Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Stephanie! First, please introduce yourself! 

I am an innovator and a storyteller, with significant experience working with emerging technologies to build new business models.  I have held roles across Network Technology, AdTech, Data Platforms and Internet of Things, and I love tackling problems that don't have obvious answers.  I live in Dallas, Texas and love to travel. 

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Texas? 

I'm looking forward to meeting other diverse professionals who are passionate about personal growth and uplifting those around them.  I learned so much last year from the sessions I attended and others I met onsite, I'm looking forward even more to the opportunity to share my experiences this year. 

What would be your advice to other women in tech who are coming up in the industry? 

Don't be afraid to ask for what you want and need.  Whether it's the role you want to be in or how you like to be engaged in the workplace, we can't expect others to read our minds or operate in the way we do. It is healthy to talk about what you need to be successful. 

Women in Tech Texas is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence? 

Be curious.  Stay open to connections outside of your function or your industry, you never know what you'll learn or what you may have in common. 

Finally, what can attendees expect from your session? 

Attendees can expect actionable ways to reframe their thinking around the experiences and skills they can bring to technical organizations. 

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